Holacracy-Asana Key
This key is a guide to how Holacracy and GTD concepts are translated and used in Asana. All OMAlab partners will be using the same methodology.
Circle == Asana Team The GTD BOT will be synchronizing circles in Glassfrog with Teams in Asana, please do not manually remove or add anyone to Asana teams.
Role == A public project starting with & Roles will be the only projects starting with &, please do not start any projects with &. Also our GTD BOT will be handling role creation and synchronization, so do not edit roles in Asana yourself.
When you add a project, put the role in the first line of the description. GTD Bot will add the role to all tasks in that project assigned to you. GTD bot will nag you to add role to projects you own
Action == Asana Task A task requested of you by another partner is a contract between you and that partner, treat it as such. You’re committing, unless you let them know otherwise, to completing this task. If you’re going to reorganize or shift the information in it make sure and let your followers know in the comments section.
Last updated