Supplemental Policy for Bonus, Commissions, and other Performance-based Payments

For partners that have a performance-component to their payments made by OMAlab, the following policies apply.

All payment are based on performance of an established metric, documented in a Management by Objective Plan ("MBO Plan" or "MBOs") or Sales Commission Plan ("Sales Plan") that specifically defines the metrics of these payments.

Any jointly executed MBO, Sales Plan, Commission Plan, or other agreement is to be considered in all cases a guideline for payment. In all cases, any and all payments of any bonus or commisions are absoutely at the discretion of the CEO.

With or without a Sales Plan, if the commissions produced from your sales on a monthly basis do not surpass your base salary, you will not be entitled to a commission payment(s).

If the Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) from your sales is less than your Monthly Salary (MS), then no commissions will be due and payable to you.

Any draws that are defined, even stated in your offer letter, are payable (or not payable) at the discretion of the CEO.

For Sales Plans, OMAlab pays commission payments based on sales recognized payments received from the customer and paid in full as revenue, and only on final, collected sales.

Most Sales Plans calculate commission only on ANNUAL Recurring Revenue, based on a committed, non-cancellable annual agreement executed by the customer, selling software or software-as-a-service products. If your sale includes terms that are shorter than an ANNUAL commitment by the customer, the company has the right to pay reduced commissions or withhold commissions for these payments until the customer reaches their 13th month (12 months completed and paid) for commissions to be paid and due.

If the sales deal includes other types of revenue, such as support, consulting, web development, or other service types with a different Cost of Goods Sold, then commission payments for these types of deals, and these revenue components are at the discretion of the CEO.

OMAlab will make payments within one pay period of receipt of funds by the customer/client, in the case of Commission payments that are recognized as commissionable.

All commission payments (or lack of payment for commission) will be considered final after 30 days. No changes to payouts in favor of the partner can be made after 30 days. The company reserves the right to make changes in the company favor for errors, omissions, and other items at any point the incorrect payment is recognized, up to three (3) years.

Last updated