Opportunity pipeline scoring

some points on scores created in the opportunity pipeline

  • metrics: let's divide them into counts and scores.

  • counts are the actual numbers, e.g. the number of twitter followers. mentions have counts for:

    • visibility (impressions)

    • engagement

  • scores (for now) are integers. they are calculated by us on the basis of counts and go from 0 to 100. the total score is an average of all three scores.

  • we have two kinds of retrievers:api-based_and_site-based. the api based (twitter, facebook) are (usually) social networks, whereas other are URLs in general (this is very vaguely speaking).

  • a general principle should be as follows: whenever the count/score can be calculated on the retriever, it should be done there. otherwise, it is delegated to theMentionFormatterclass (for now)

  • metrics descriptions:

    • visibility (impressions): how many people can view the mention. this can be e.g. a number of followers on twitter/facebook or a measure of site's visibility via alexa rank. it is meant as an off-site metric ---from wikipedia :

    Off-site web analytics refers to web measurement and analysis regardless of whether you own or maintain a website. It includes the measurement of a website's potential audience (opportunity), share of voice (visibility), and buzz (comments) that is happening on the Internet as a whole.

    • engagement: user (inter)actions involving the mention. can be likes, retweets etc. or a number we get from sharedcount's api.

    • presence(seo, splash): score representing how optimized/relevant the mention source is to the keyword. this is meant to be an

      on-site metric

  • we estimate visibility count for site-based retrievers through alexa. see here

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