Acknowledgement of Receipt

I acknowledge I have received a copy of the OMAlab Guide, have read it, and understand its provisions. I further understand that if I have a question, I am obligated to ask an executive for clarification of any provisions in the Guide.

I further understand that the statements contained in the guide do not create any contractual or other legal obligations of employment. I also understand that OMAlab may at any time modify, rescind, or revise any policy, benefit, or practice described in the guide, except for its policy of at-will employment.

I understand and agree that my employment with OMAlab is at-will and can be terminated by either me or the company without cause or notice and that nothing in the guide should be interpreted to the contrary. Your employment agreement and IP agreements supercede anything in this document.

I undersatand and acknowledge that OMAlab, Inc. is only obligated to pay base salary and benefits. All other payments are at the discretion of the CEO and Board of Directors.

I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to read and become familiar with the contents of the Guide.

I also understand that agreeing to the terms of this agreement and that the Guide dictates our relationship is a condition of your employment. If this is not agreed to, then your offer is recinded.

I also understand and acknowedge that accepting payment for your salary in the form of a direct deposit, or a check, in lieu of a signed, dated signature of this page, is considered acknowledgement and acceptance of this guide and all of its terms, in its current and future forms, including all changes made in the future.




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