Lead scoring
(by nicholas, last updated: may 2013)
An pPresence is calculated by using a precalculated keyword scores. The keyword scores are calculated in the opportunity pipeline.
The influencer score is the sum of all keyword scores.
Keyword scores are calculated depending on the source. Twitter entities start out with 0
keyword scores are the sum of the associated opportunities' splash scores.
Splash score is a measure of engagement around a particular item, for facebook it uses the following values:
comments count
like count
share count (slightly different weighting of likes since likes are the same as sharing now)
heuristic score based on domain, url, title, description, engagement and position.
Point count and respective rationale for awarding the points:
"30:Domain name is exact match for the keyword #{@keyword}"
"10:Domain name is a partial match for the keyword #{@keyword}"
"10:Url name is contains for the keyword #{@keyword}"
"5:Url is a partial match for the keyword #{@keyword}"
"10:Good engagement on this post."
"10:Good number of unique authors."
"10:Diverse set of answers and engagement."
"20:Highly ranked in discussion search."
"20:Title contains the keyword #{@keyword}"
"10:Title partially matches the keyword #{@keyword}"
"10:Description contains the keyword #{@keyword}"
"5:Description partially matches the keyword #{@keyword}"
(this doesn't actually get used anywhere) when a shortened url is detected:
"20:Page title contains the keyword #{@keyword}"
"5:Page title is a partial match for the keyword #{@keyword}"
"10:Url name is contains for the keyword #{@keyword}"
"5:Url is a partial match for the keyword #{@keyword}"
"30:Domain name is exact match for the keyword #{@keyword}"
"10:Domain name is a partial match for the keyword #{@keyword}"
(page scores)
"20:Page title contains the keyword #{@keyword}"
"5:Page title is a partial match for the keyword #{@keyword}"
"10:Url name is contains for the keyword #{@keyword}"
"5:Url is a partial match for the keyword #{@keyword}"
"30:Domain name is exact match for the keyword #{@keyword}"
"10:Domain name is a partial match for the keyword #{@keyword}"
"20:Page title contains the keyword #{@keyword}"
"5:Page title is a partial match for the keyword #{@keyword}"
"10:Url name is contains for the keyword #{@keyword}"
"5:Url is a partial match for the keyword #{@keyword}"
"30:Domain name is exact match for the keyword #{@keyword}"
"10:Domain name is a partial match for the keyword #{@keyword}"
"30:Front page of a major search engine for the keyword #{keyword}."
For urls there is a facebook score fetcher, which seemed to be removed. The code is still lingering in the oma-processors repo though.
Facebook scoring for URL's (not used)
"3:Low number of shares of this content."
"5:Low number of total shares of this content."
"10:Good number of total shares of this content."
"20:High number of total shares of this content."
Last updated