Search criteria component
Last updated
Last updated
(by pavel, last update: sep 2013)
Main goal is to provide "rich" search functionality.
A criteria graph (in particular a list of individual criteria) to express selected search criteria
UI component to represent criteria
show an empty criteria list
add a new criteria row
save a named list
show already stored (in previous sessions) lists
"polymorphic" criteria row: an ability to show different criteria types and change inputs base on previous selections dynamically. For example if a user selects "response code" criteria, a row will change the next drop-down to show response code specific options.
"Criteria to ES" mapper to translate criteria list. If JSON representation of criteria will mimic ElasticSearch, the item will be get for free. The other mappers (at least "criteria to mongo") should also be considered.
Plain old ruby objects
Criteria list is implemented using plain "conventional" ruby.
Requires additional coding to implement serialization/deserialization
Requires additional coding to store saved criteria in a database
Requires additional coding for validation
More flexible and allow for example move from a list to a tree of criteria if it is needed
Polymorphic criteria is implemented using ruby inheritance and composition
Saved search as one-to-many association (search to criterion items)
Locked on the list representation of the saved search. Moving to "trees" is harder
"Save" functionality for free.
"Validation" for free
Polymorphic criteria is implemented using ActiveRecord STI
"Include/Exlude" functionality is implemented as a boolean flag on Criteria class
Purely JavaScript implementation
Intentionally left blank :)
How the criteria component coordinates with the "search" input? In particular, if both components (criteria rows and input) are filled, should we use AND or OR?
Should JSON representation of criteria be exactly like ES JSON looks like?
If ActiveRecord implementation is chosen, will we use a single "data" serialized column for different criteria kinds, or dedicated columns for specific attributes of criteria (sparse table)?