Test Best Practices
TLDR Put your support in the support folder. Write each test with DRY guidelines.
Style Guidelines
Please review the style guidelines at ReachLocal ReachLocal RSpec Design Specs
Describe describes a case
Context should have a positive and a negative case, or its a 'describe'
Use xit when you are temporarily in a test. If you are skipping a test and pushing to production use 'pending' with the rationale.
OMAlab increments on top of the standard RSPEC
Use todo method to define a task that needs done, but you aren't doing it yet. You can review todos by typing bin/todo.sh
Testing "levels"
Test the "happy path"
Test the "unhappy path"
Test the edge cases
Test for the bug fixes
Integration versus Unit tests
Tests go in spec/lib/etc. following the path
Integration tests go in the spec/integration folder
Fixing Mistakes
git filter-branch --index-filter 'git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch $1' HEAD~5..HEAD
# removes the $1 file from last 5 commits (for large files)
Last updated