2016 Plan
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** The plan Over the last quarter of 2015, we did a lot of work to sort out what the main challenges are with our current UI. To do this, we built out a flow that shows the current state of the front end of the application.
After discussing with existing customers, and thinking long and hard about the true use of our application, we build a new plan for the UI, based on this diagram.
Big and complex, but there is a draw.io version of it here.
Key Initiatives 1) Move away from dynamic queries and filter boxes, and move to "Segments". Basically, the way the system is going to work is we are going to move away from ability of users to do dynamic queries all over the place. Instead we are going to use something called Segments to organize how people are accessing information. A Segment is basically a stored query without a date range. Customers can build these at will. And they will then be available in the interface for users to get to the data they want.
2) Automate initial outreach activities. Second major part of The plan is to use and actively build automation for our customers. Automation is the delivery of the promise of Audienti--identify someone based on social listening, and then automate the outreach to get them interested. While people are very excited about the people identification part of what we do, they still get bummed out about the outreach part. This solves that problem.
The designed plan for this is very slick. A customer builds a diagram of the steps they want. They configure it. And, boom, it's running.
This automation is contained in a "workspace". You can configure as many of these as you want, based on what you want to do. And, they have a few additional tabs that are optimized to your role.
3) Improve data quality. It doesn't matter if our app automates every task, if the data in is crap. So, we need to work on this through a strong focus on data quality. Users shouldn't look at our data and say it's crap. They need to say "that's a good idea." To do that, there will likely be a number of initiatives.