Engineering Process
Our goal is to deploy things with very little overhead. To that end, we follow a systematic process for our work.
Github and Code Checkouts
Checkout your branch with your initials, and a summary of what you're doing (i.e. wf__fix_channels)
Always pull master daily, and before you issue a pull request, so it can be easily merged
Issue a pull request stating that the change is
Always start your 'next task' from master
Continuous Integration
Your code should be green for the entire suite
We use DroneCI for this
Check ins and code commits
Someone else should review your code and give you approval to merge it
Once it has been reviewed, merge your code into master
At the end of the day, or when it's convenient, spend 10 - 30 minutes reviewing other code that has been committed, and give feedback
When code is deployed to production, take a few minutes and verify that it's actually operational
Keep your code changes/pull requests small. Do the smallest thing you can on each code commit
Last updated