Operating Model

GTD is the basis for our work at OMAlab. It's an operational model is a hybrid system built on Holacracy's tactical methodology, David Allen's Getting Things Done, and using our own rules and agreements to make this come together in Asana. This section will provide you with all the information you need to navigate these systems.

If this does not become the case eventually it is up to you to reach out for support.

There are a number of subsections. But, at a high level, here are the highest level rules to our operating model.

Do not use email, ever, to communicate internally.

Instead, add data to Asana tickets. Communicate in Slack, in public or group chat rooms. Email is only for external communications.

When in doubt, over communicate.

Being that our offices are primarily remote, many of the visual queues you have in a workplace are missing. As such, its important to over communicate on online tools. These often will notify the individaul. But, it's better to have a bit of redundancy, and people communicating, than to have no communication and have less clarity, less cohesion, and more problems.

Expect an Async converasation

Assume that people have blocks of time they wall off from the world, and get their job done. Don't expect that you need to talk to someone RIGHT NOW. The only exception to this is an emergency. In that case, use the person's secondary forms of communication (cell phone) to reach them.

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