Interview Tests
Initial Questions
What types of Rails and Ruby work have you done--more front end or back end focused?
Have you used alternative databases, like Mongodb, ElasticSearch, Cassandra or anything like that.. If so, how?
Do you have any experience with Oauth or authentication systems.. etc. If so, how?
Have you done any crawling or scraping? Using Nokogiri?
Do you have experience with regular expressions?
Do you have any experience with natural language parsing, sentiment detection, text content extraction? If so, describe how and how much?
What's your experience with Docker and Docker compose? Have you used a Docker-based system before?
Have you used RSpec? Which version? How would you rate your ability?
Have you used Ruby SLIM or HAML?
Are you willing to work hard, and work with most of your hours overlapping USA East Coast hours?
How are your verbal english skills? Can we get on the phone/skype and talk through issues?
Would you be willing to do a couple of little Ruby-specific tests to get a sense of your coding and problem solving abilities.
Follow up Questions
Do you have any experience with marketing software? Marketing automation? Please explain.
Have you worked with social media? Have you used social media to promote yourself in any way? Please explain.
Take a look at the Rappid.js framework. We have a drag and drop builder built with this framework. Do you think you would have any problems understanding code written with this framework? Bug fixing it? Modifying it? Improving it?
Docker Test
Our dev container uses Alpine LInux image to keep the container size small. We use the same container in production and development. Our feature tests rely on Capybara, and ideally Chrome. But, installing Chrome has been a problem. So, the task was to either 1) get Chrome working, or 2) move to another small image type (like maybe phusion) with the same type setup we have (minimal container, but all the proprietary libraries we need in the image).
Link to Zip file containing the Dockerfile, and a that tests fixing this.
Docker Compose Test
Build a docker compose file that, on launch, will start a postgres database, a redis database, and a ruby container, with them linked for networking purposes. Return this as a gist on github back to us.
Regular Expressions
There are two test cases in the linked file. Both of these cases need to pass. Please make it work.
Write a simple example of an RSPEC test that loops through a fixture folder, and loads a text file.. in each file, you are checking if you can find the letter “a” in the file. Return this as a gist on github back to us.
Natural Language Processing
Describe how you would solve the problem of finding postal addresses in a plain text file.
Describe how you would test a modern Rails application? Which tools would you use?
Last updated